Monday, June 23, 2008

Current speed and weight records


Bench Press DB: 3x5x72, 5x76
Military Press DB: 3x5x48
Back Pulley: 3x5x100, 5x103.5
Back Row: 3x8x88
Back Deadlifts: 3x12x70
Leg Squats: 3x12x70
Leg Quads: 2x10x80
Leg Tris: 2x10x70
Leg Calves DB: 3x15x70
Biceps S-Bar: 2x5x40
Triceps S-Bar: 2x5x40

Thursday, June 05, 2008

Rest days

Taking up some rest days now, to let my toe tendon heal, as it's been complaining a bit in the last month.
I'll limit my running to easy stuff, moderate speedwork and hills. No more maximum-speed stuff.

In the meantime, I have finally had some progress in weight training.
After a few weeks of sticking to my 3x5 straight sets, I managed to hit a 3x5 progression at 10% more weight.
In addition, now that I've reduced my running to 3 days / week, my legs are feeling much more fresh.

During the next few weeks I'll be out and about, so I probably won't have much opportunity to weight train.
But I guess I need a bit of a rest period.